As you know already, I find life a challenge – with all sorts of dangerous, deadly, disastrous and disappointing obstacles to overcome.
Recently things have got worse. For the last few days we have been at war. I don’t know who with but there has been regular shelling over our street – huge noises, explosions and flashes of light.
And the results have been huge holes appearing in our street (and in surrounding streets). Luckily, the council or somebody has rapidly put up security fencing to prevent me (and my bean) falling into these holes and has made some rapid repairs.
On reflection it can’t have been the council as they could never work that quickly. Normally I would suspect someone like John Hornby but its summertime and he spends much of it out of the street. He’s probably fled the war zone and gone looking for peace and sunshine.
One curious outcome is that ,after all the holes are mended (well, all the ones created so far), our side of the street is fixed and looks almost ‘normal’ ( ie. it looks like it did before the war started). However across the road it is a different picture. I don’t know whether its because those on the northern side of the street are less careful about how they treat our road, but their side is a mess – a patchwork of patchy repairs. The holes have gone (hurrah!) but the pavement (sidewalk for my American readers) looks like its been fitted with a large but irregular zipper.
We’ll probably have to wait until the war is over but I think we Southerners will have to have strong words with our Northern neighbours.