Cade is a 1 year old male Sharpei Cross. His current weight is 29kg.
Cade is looking for a new home where he’ll be very much involved in what’s going on.
Cade is very enthusiastic when meeting new people and can be overwhelming for some.
A family experienced in handling dogs is preferred.
Cade is very sociable around other dogs and can live with a dog-savvy cat.
Due to his “bull in a china shop” manner, a home with no children is preferred, although Cade can live with teenagers.
He is crate trained and sees the crate as his time to chill.
Cade isn’t used to being left alone and has always had the company of other dogs, so this will need to be gradually built up in his new home.
Cade is very food-driven, which benefits his training.
A very clever and alert young man.
All applicants must live within 1 hours drive from Upminster Essex.