One of my beans (TOWTLH) had a blood test today. I think it was to check her kolesteroll levels so they can adjust her medication if necessary.
My other bean (TOWTSH, of course) is having a blood test on Monday – not sure why but it will be related, no doubt, to one of his many medications.
Old beans seem to be always at some health establishment or facility being prodded, probed or pricked. When they are not (at some health establishment or facility) they get together with friends and compare notes on their ailments (real and imaginary) and compare service levels and performance at their different doctor’s.
Well. I’m old. I’m 10 next April. Why aren’t I having blood tests and proddings and probings.
I think its because there isn’t an equivalent of the NHS for dogs. Our service is private and costs money.
(Don;’t write in. I know the NHS costs money snd beans have to contribute which is why my poor beans have to go through the winter without heating. Don’t get me started on that Reeves woman!)
For dogs, the responsive service is good but expensive. There is little, though, in the way of preventative medicine. I suppose my worming tablets count as preventative but why no blood tests to identify what might be coming my way. My kolesteroll level might be sky high. (How high is the sky?)
Actually my stomach is rumbling. Perhaps I’ve got some terrible disease. Perhaps I should take to one of my many beds and sweat it out. Sweat! In this weather?
Am I going to be very cold when Reeves turns off our heating?
Anyway, enough of this. I need some help with a mystery. Yesterday a package came and was deposited by person or persons unknown in our porch. We, naturally, thought that nice Mr Bezos was delivering Christmas early but no …. Not at all. This package carried no delivery logo, no stamps, no obvious evidence of how it had come to be in our porch. It bore the address, in handwritten script, “Gina @ The Beans”.
Upon opening, the package contained (ominous music plays) …. a carrot… yes, A CARROT, I know not from whence it came (is that the correct usage of the word ‘whence’) but I have my suspects (or suspect actually). I won’t name them as such generous (I LOVE carrots) but slightly aberrant behaviour might cause them to be trolled on X. (See how tech-savvy and streetwise I am).
But I do say ‘Thank you’ to my mysterious benefactor. I feel like Pip in Great Expectations, having an external, mysterious benefactor.
Things are looking up.