Mom and I came up with the idea to make Kong Casserole the other day. We had some things that needed to be eaten up but no idea what to do with them. Since humans put a bunch of stuff in a dish and call it a casserole, why not make one for dogs?
This recipe is super easy which means use any ingredients you would like, and start mixing. My casserole has non fat, plain, Greek yogurt, pure pumpkin (never give a dog pie filling pumpkin), and all kinds of dehydrated treat crumbs and fragments. We use single ingredient treats for everything but then we end up with all the crumbs and tiny pieces. They are ideal for putting into this casserole.
No need to measure anything. Grab your Kongs and get them cleaned and ready to fill. Guesstimate how much filling you need, put it in a bowl and start mixing.
Make sure your pup gets to sample the filling before stuffing the Kongs. If she has a beard, you will be able to see the tasting has been completed.
Have the human help with filling the Kongs and then wrap them so they can be popped into the freezer. Our plan is to get these when the humans are eating their turkey dinner. We will be busy with our Kongs and leave them alone.
Olivia was at the spa when I made these treats but Nelson was home and we decided to stuff some small Kongs for one more tasting of my Kong Casserole. As you can see, we both really love it, so it is a “go” for turkey day this year! There is still time to whip some of these up for your own pup.
My GBGV Life is happy, so we’re joining Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday!