Beagle Feeding Chart: How Much To Feed Your Beagle Puppy

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Beagle dog awaiting command from young lady to eat dog food on ground.
Image credit: Olena Yakobchuk, Shutterstock

Beagles are a longtime favorite pick for family dogs due to their agreeable personalities, medium size, and overall happy temperament. If you are already the proud pet parent of a Beagle or are considering bringing an adorable puppy into your home, you may have questions about the best diet for this breed. Beagles love food, so it’s important not to overfeed them. With their smaller build, extra weight can cause a lengthy list of health issues. I’ve done the research to create this Beagle feeding chart as a reference to help ensure your pup is eating the right amount of food. Let’s get into it.

Dietary Concerns For Beagles

Beagles have a few health concerns that can affect their diet. They are prone to allergies and food sensitivity. Getting an at-home allergy test can be very helpful with keeping your Beagle pup healthy and picking the best diet for them. They are also colossal eaters and will not stop of their own accord if left to free feed. Puppies are expected to have a little extra pudge, but adults can quickly pack on the pounds. They have a high rate of diabetes even at a healthy weight. Beagles are also prone to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause digestive issues, pain, loss of appetite, and more.

There are two sizes of Beagles. The smaller weighs under 20 pounds and stands 13 inches tall. The larger size reaches 20 to 30 pounds and stands 13 to 15 inches tall. Carrying extra weight on their smaller frames can lead to bone and joint issues, which can later affect mobility.

Beagle Feeding Chart By Age & Weight

Age Type Of Food Cups Per Day Meals Per Day
0-3 weeks Mother’s Milk and Puppy Mush n/a unlimited
4 – 6 weeks Mother’s Milk and Puppy Mush n/a unlimited
6 – 8 weeks Mother’s Milk and Puppy Mush n/a 4 – 6
8 weeks to 6 months Puppy Mush/Puppy Kibble 1/4 – 1/2 3 – 4
6 – 10 months Puppy Kibble 1/2 – 1 3 – 4
10 – 18 months Puppy Kibble/Adult Dog Food 1 1/2 – 2 3
18 Months and up Adult Dog Food 1 1/2 – 2 2

How Much To Feed A Beagle Puppy

A cute Beagle puppy walking outside.A cute Beagle puppy walking outside.

Healthy, balanced nutrition is one of the building blocks of a long, healthy life for your Beagle. A balanced diet is a key component in their overall development. Because they are a breed that loves to eat anything and everything and are very food-motivated, it is important to maintain a healthy weight from early puppyhood throughout their senior years. Overfeeding is a primary health concern among the Beagle breed.

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