How to Find a Lost Dog With PetHub

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No pet parent should have to type “how to find a lost dog” into an Internet browser. Sadly, in a split second, your dog can go missing. A lost dog is something pet parents don’t want to think about – and I can relate – but protecting your dog from going missing is critical.

Did you ever call for your dog indoors, and they don’t respond? You know they are somewhere in the house, but where? Raise your hand if you get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Been there, done that.

On average, 1/3 of all dogs in cats go missing in the United States every year. That’s startling and disturbing. I believe in being proactive in protecting your pet. Sadly, more than 80 percent of missing pets are never found. PetHub is doing something about that.

I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry when protecting our dogs. To that end, I’ve been a member of PetHub for many, many years. PetHub is a business that helps reunite lost dogs and cats with their pet parents quickly and safely.

Whether your dog has a microchip or a personalized identification tag, I highly recommend PetHub’s services. I’ve not been paid to tell you this. No matter how long you’ve shared life with a dog, you need PetHub, and here’s why I recommend them (plus shoppable links + a giveaway!).

What Is Pet Hub?

Founded in 2010, PetHub helps reunite lost pets with their owners quickly and efficiently. Since their inception, PetHub offers valuable services that can greatly benefit pet parents and their furry companions. I know because I’ve been using PetHub’s services for over a dozen years.

People visit for a variety of reasons. First visits are usually to report a lost pet, report a found pet, or to activate a PetHub tag.

Since their inception, PetHub’s return to owner (RTO) owner rate has grown exponentially. According to founder Tom Arnold, what started as an 18% RTO for dogs and 2% RTO for cats has catapulted.

“With PetHub’s ‘Pack Members’ found through its services, ~ 96% of them are home in under 24 hours. Best of all, less than 2% ever reach an animal shelter’s doors because of the many ways PetHub helps the community return an animal to its family,” Arnold says.

CEO of PetHub, Lorien Clemens, tells me that in 2023, over 10,000 lost pets were reunited with their families. They average millions of scans a year on PetHub QR code tags and average 1,200 to 1,400 reunions per month.

PetHub Basic vs PetHub Plus Membership

PetHub gets lost dogs and cats home fast, but they do so much more and offer two levels of membership service: Basic and Plus.

Every basic membership comes with a free pet profile and dashboard and a 24/7 found pet hotline and call center.

PetHub Plus offers a boatload of extras I recommend plus you can conveniently pay monthly, annually, or once for lifetime coverage.

Here’s a handy chart that outlines what you get with PetHub Basic vs. PetHub Plus plans:

How to Find a Lost Dog: PetHub Offerings

Lost Pet Recovery

Keep your dog or cat safe with the original PetHub QR Pet ID tag, which is the first and best on the market. Choose from a variety of designs. If someone finds your pet and scans the QR card, they receive all the information needed PLUS the phone number to call.

Plus, members can instantly create lost pet posters to print and/or share digitally. This is an incredible benefit when time is of the essence.

PetHub Plus members rest assured PetHub sends alerts to local shelters, veterinarians, and other pet safe spots for all missing PetHub pets.

Use code CAROLBRYANT at checkout to save 10 percent

Sample profile of dog on PetHubSample profile of dog on PetHub

PetHub Emergency Prep Tools

In addition to becoming a PetHub Plus member, the emergency prep tools are a must-have. My favorite is the QR Pet Comprehensive Identification ReadyKit. It comes with:

  • A large original Get Me Home Club QR Pet ID Tag
  • QR wallet and keychain card
  • QR travel crate card
  • Home window cling

You get the QR ID tag, a free online profile, hassle-free updates, a 24/7 found pet hotline, and peace of mind ­­– which you can’t put a price tag on.

Use code CAROLBRYANT at checkout to save 10 percent

Pet emergency kitPet emergency kit

Perks and Discounts

Every PetHub Plus member gets discounts and savings on products for you and your dogs. I took advantage of 15% off the “I’d Rather Be With My Dog” store, 23% off P.L.A.Y. toys for my Cocker Spaniel, Alvin, and plan to gift a friend with the EpiPaws dog age test kit thanks to the 10% discount code.

Pro Tip: Perks and discounts rotate, with additional brands added throughout the year. During the busy holiday shopping season, even more codes pop up.

Community Support

Thanks to the Missing Pack Members section, you can log in and help lost dogs and cats find their way home. PetHub Plus members have their pet added to the list along with the date the pet went missing, where, an image, and any updates of sightings.

Community Alerts

Plus members can sign up for community alerts. If your dog or cat goes missing, PetHub users can send an alert to local businesses near where the pet was last seen.

PetHub tags can help lost dogs get reunitedPetHub tags can help lost dogs get reunited

Tag Scan Log with GPS Maps

I love being able to see whenever my dog’s PetHub QR code tag is scanned, thanks to tag scans with GPS maps. This is important because if someone scan’s the tag, it means they either have your pet or called the portal.

Once you become a member and upgrade to PetHub Plus, you’ll get full access.

Veterinary TeleHealth

Through one of their partners, PetHub Plus members get access to a veterinarian around the clock. Although these veterinarians are unable to diagnose or prescribe, you can send videos and photos through the chat for assistance.

This is handy when you need an answer at 2 am and aren’t sure if it requires an emergency veterinarian. After submitting symptoms for an actual situation (that occurred with my last dog, Dexter), here’s how my conversation went: *(oh and bonus, you can submit pictures and videos!)

Vet chat with PetHubVet chat with PetHub

Shelter Help

A portion of PetHub sales goes to pet charities. This helps PetHub build community ID tag programs so they can keep pets out of shelters.

Peace of Mind

I am of the ilk that your pet should be protected as much as humanly possible. My dog wears a regular ID tag, his county license, he is microchipped, and he is registered with PetHub as a PLUS member. I want all the perks and I want peace of mind more than words can say.

How to find a lost dogHow to find a lost dog

Where to Shop for PetHub Products

Visit my customized PetHub Shopify page, where you can save 10 percent on all purchases with code CAROLBRYANT at checkout. No spaces. Use my full name.

enter to win a giveawayenter to win a giveaway

PetHub Giveaway CLOSED

Enter to win one of three prize packs from our friends at PetHub:

Prizes include:

  • One QR Pet Comprehensive Identification Ready Kit from PetHub plus one annual PLUS subscription
  • One PetHub QR Code ID tag of your choice plus one annual PLUS subscription
  • One PetHub QR code ID tag of your choice

Three winners will be selected at random from all entries after the giveaway closes on 04/25/24 at noon ET.


  • One QR Pet Comprehensive Identification Ready Kit from PetHub plus one annual PLUS subscription: Teresa Burnham
  • One PetHub QR Code ID tag of your choice plus one annual PLUS subscription : Nancy Carter
  • One PetHub QR code ID tag of your choice : Cheryl Chervitz

How to Enter

Enter the name of the dog(s) who will be using the PetHub products if you win in the comments below.

Winners will be announced on 04/26/24. Winners have 48 hours to respond to a direct email. Winners will be shared here in this post and via email newsletter.

One entry per email, must live in the USA, 18 or older.  Read complete rules here.

How to find a lost dog with PetHubHow to find a lost dog with PetHub

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