How Long Can A Dog Bark Legally?

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Two dogs in an window, howling, guarding, and barking at what they see outside.
Image credit: Yuliya Evstratenko, Shutterstock

I have a dog that is a prolific barker. Most of the time, it is not an issue because my neighbors are dog lovers, but it has caused a few problems for me over the years. While I’ve never faced a fine, citation, or other legal issue, I know dog owners who have. The question frequently arises about how long dogs can legally bark. The answer depends on your specific geographical area, but there’s more to it than one might think. Let’s get into the details.

Yes, it is legal for dogs to bark. However, excessive barking is considered noise pollution, a nuisance, or a disturbance of peace. In some areas, it can come with hefty fines, animal control involvement, civil lawsuits, minor criminal charges, and more. While there are no federal laws, some states and most counties and municipalities have noise ordinance laws covering excessive barking. These come with a range of consequences, including tickets, fees, incarceration, and even forfeiture of the animal.

I know it’s pretty wild to think you could face these penalties for your dog’s barking, but these laws and ordinances are very real. It’s wise to check on any in your area if you have a dog that barks a lot. Just like leash laws, damage laws, and dog bite laws, knowledge is key here to protect your dog and yourself.

Dog Barking Laws: What Is Considered Excessive Barking?

Dog howling with owner.Dog howling with owner.

In general, excessive barking is when a dog barks for an extended period, more than a few minutes, with little or no interruption. It can take place during the day or night, but especially between late night and early morning. I looked at the laws in different areas around the country to see what kind of legal consequences pet owners can face for nuisance barking. I picked a mix of communities in the United States, including highly populated urban areas as well as some less populated and rural areas.

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