A Special Opportunity on Giving Tuesday

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This is me and Tag, a Great Pryenees at the Dane County Humane Society who was looking for a home. (Note: Since this was taken, he’s found a great one!) (Second Note: It almost killed me to not adopt him myself–not physically possible for me right now. Damn!)

Tag and I schmoozed together to help spread the word that the booklet Karen London and I wrote, Love Has No Age Limit, is on sale on December 3rd, Giving Tuesday, in hopes people will buy it in bulk and donate lots of copies to their favorite shelter or rescue. I took a big stack of copies of it and other shelter-related books, Way to Go & Fastidious Feline, to donate to my own local shelter.

All of these books are normally priced far below market value, because it feels so good to be able to do our part in helping dogs who need homes. But Love Has No Age Limit will go on “extra” sale on Giving Tuesday, in hopes that many others will open their hearts and do what they can to help the good people in shelters and rescues, and the dogs they care for.

We have heard from several shelters that giving out Love Has No Age Limit–a booklet about easing an adolescent or mature dog into your household–decreases returns and behavior problem calls. Many of you, like me, can’t adopt right now, but donating copies of this booklet is a wonderful way to help them, and the dogs who are looking for their new humans, in the best way we can.

I hope you might be able to help. If so, mark your calendars for December 3rd, and jump in. (Free domestic shipping too for orders over $50.)

MEANWHILE, back on the farm: Here’s a taste of things to come in the next blog post:

Where are we, and would you like to adopt this animal?


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