Beautiful Things – The Other End of the Leash

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We all need beautiful things right now! And good news too? Yes, yes, and yes! Internal medicine veterinarian Dr. Bates did an ultrasound on Maggie and says: “No kidney disease!” Yes, her kidneys are older (she turns 12 in January), and I’ll do all I can to take care of them, but no “kidney diets” necessary. And look at the joy on my old girl’s face!

Beautiful Things – The Other End of the Leash

Jim and I took the dogs on an off-leash trail this weekend, and I managed to get each of the dogs mid leap.

Look at Mr. Skip tuck those front legs! Stadium jumping here we come. And, not to let her hog the spotlight, look at Maggie’s face!

At an overlook on the first day of November. (And on our wedding anniversary!) Are we lucky to live here, or what?

Two more beautiful things, just because. Sunrise at the farm:

Sunset outside of Genoa City, WI after a sheepdog trial. (More on that to come in the weeks to follow.) Look at that sky!

And last, here’s something I’ve been doing to help me get through the days if something is coming up that I’m worried about–flower stickers on each day up to the event. It’s brought me a disproportionate amount of joy.

The stickers come from this book, $12 from Barnes and Noble, by Castle Point Books.

Here’s to all of you, in this kind and compassionate village that we abide in, and to the USA, my country ’tis of thee, land that I love.

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