Small Dogs Lifestyle, By Janice Jones
You are a dog mom or dad of a small dog. That’s what brought you here, now let us help you maneuver your lifestyle so you can enjoy your dog and reduce the amount of work needed to make that life a reality.
You know you love your little friend but did you know that the little four legged companion of yours can contribute to your health? Make your life more fulfilling? Fill a void or even improve your mood?
This is a hodge podge of articles all worth reading many written by guest authors all experts in their field. Scroll down and find one that speaks to You.

Small Dogs Lifestyle
Here is a group of articles all about living with small dogs.
Six Small Dog Breeds Perfect for People Who Love Big Dogs

If you are a big dog lover but find yourself in a position where you may need to choose a small dog instead, here are 6 breeds to consider. These dog breeds have big personalities in small bodies.
Six Small Dog Breeds Perfect for People Who Love Big Dogs
Best Small Dog Toys for Playful Pooches
With so many different types of toys on the market, how do you know which ones your dog will enjoy and which ones to avoid. Learn all about the different options and make a wise buying choice.
Best Small Dog Toys for Playful Pooches
Pet Proof Your Home Against Electrical Hazards

Puppies and even adult dogs are curious and love looking for a new toy or adventure, whether they are safe or not. Electrical hazards are everywhere in our modern homes and these present serious concerns for the pet parent. Learn how to pet proof your home against electrical hazards to keep your new puppy or dog safe and sound.
Learn how to pet proof your home against electrical hazards.
Sustainable Pet Parenting: Reduce Your Carbon Paw Print

The challenges of pet parenting are numerous, however. One aspect that you may not immediately consider is how you and your pet’s lifestyle may affect our environment.
This applies even to small dogs. They may be little, but they can have an outsized impact on the local environment.
Read more about Sustainable Pet Parenting
Can’t Take Your Dog With You: Options for When You Go on Vacation
Sometimes it’s just not feasible to take your dog with you when you travel, even if you want to. What should you do? Here are 3 options for you to consider.
Read: Can’t Take Your Dog With You
Separation, Divorce and Dog Ownership The Importance of Keeping a Dog in the Lives of Both People After a Separation
Going through a divorce is never an easy process. Even if you and your ex-spouse are on good terms, it’s still a stressful situation and can be emotionally taxing. The stress from the process could be even worse if you and your former spouse shared a dog together.
While dogs aren’t children, many people consider them to be a part of the family. So after a divorce, it can be difficult to decide who gets to keep the dog. If your divorce ends up in court, keep in mind that pets are considered property, rather than giving them the same humanistic rights as children.
Read about Separation, Divorce and Dog Ownership
Benefits of Animal Therapy for Autism

Animals and people have interacted beautifully for tens of thousands of years. However, the psychological implications of using autism therapy dogs to help autistic individuals are new but have beautiful results. There have been several findings by caregivers and health providers that communicating with animals may help children with autism, both physically and emotionally.
Read about how Animal Assisted Therapy Can Help with Autism.
How to Write an Essay About Your Dog
Your dog deserves an essay. You’ve got so many memories and so many anecdotes to tell. This is something not readily fleshed out and needs to be organized into a great and memorable essay. Here is how you can sort it out and impress your dog and your reader.
Read about How to Write an Essay About Your Dog
College Students and Dogs: Finding Time to Care for and Enjoy Your Four-legged Companion
Having a dog while you are a student can be a demanding experience. There are many advantages to having a dog, such as having a way to relieve stress and a companion.
However, it can be a drawback if most of your days are spent studying. Dogs are comparable to babies, and that means they need constant care and attention. This article outlines three tips you can consider to save time for your dog when you are a student.
Read about College Students and Dogs
10 Small Dogs For Busy Students: Keep A Dog With You To Keep Stress At Bay!
Students have an active and busy life. They have a lot to catch up that ranges from attending classes, engaging in extracurricular activities, giving time to exercising, and whatnot. College students, in particular, are highly involved in academic work and also a lively life outside their campus.
It is quite natural to develop a strenuous lifestyle that is busy and active. Could a small dog help? Find out and discover 10 breeds worth checking out.
Read about Dogs for Busy Students
Create an Instagram Profile for Your Small Dog
It is no wonder that Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms since it erases borders and ways we can connect with other people.
Still, the most fantastic part of getting social is creating your Instagram pet account where you can share all the pictures and videos along with useful tips and experiences that are dear to your heart.
Read about Instagram Profiles for Your Dog
Health Benefits of Living With Dogs
It’s true. There is plenty of scientific evidence that pets are good for our health.
They are known to help reduce your blood pressure, help us remain active leading to better physical health, reduce our anxiety and depression, and reduce the incidence of allergies especially in children.
Read more about health benefits of dogs.
Therapy Dogs: Does Your Dog Have What it Takes?
Therapy dogs can improve the lives of people who are suffering from emotional or physical conditions, but it takes a special dog to fulfill this role.
Does your dog have what it takes to be a therapy dog? Beyond a trained dog, it also takes a special person willing to take the time to train and guide a dog through a hospital, nursing home, or school full of people who would benefit greatly from you and your dog’s presence.
If this type of work might appeal to you, first read the article and find out how to make it happen.
Therapy Dogs: Does Your Dog Have What It Takes? You may also want to check out Dog Breeds that Make Great Therapy Dogs.
Small Dogs Lifestyle: Dogs in the Workforce
Do you take your dog to work with you? Is your dog even allowed at your office?
There’s a growing body of evidence that dogs in the workforce can reduce depression and improve morale for workers. Want to know more?
Read Dogs at Work: Can Dogs Help with Mental Illness in the Workplace?
Emotional Support Animals: Do You Need One?
We all depend on our pets for emotional support, comfort, and companionship, but few of us have what is called an “emotional support animal.”
These pets do not need to be dogs but many are and they are allowed to live with us and travel in airplanes and it is all legal as long as there is a verified medical need to have them close to us.
Find out what an emotional support animal is and how it differs from a service or therapy dog. Find out if you can apply to have your dog classified as one.
Read, Emotional Support Animals: All You Need to Know
Why Everyone Should Own a Pet
If you have arrived on this page, it is likely you already have a pet, but if you have a friend that doesn’t know the joys and benefits of owning a pet, I highly recommend you share this article with them.
The arguments in this article should convince even the strongest skeptic that pet ownership is good for you.
Read, 20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own a Pet
Tips for Building a Dog-Friendly Garden
So you love your dog, but also enjoy the beauty that a lovely garden can provide. Unfortunately, not all gardens are dog-friendly and some can be down right dangerous.
Here’s a great article to help you design a garden that both people and dogs will love.
Read Tips for Building a Dog Friendly Garden
How to Find the Best Pet-Friendly Artificial Grass

Read: How to Find the Best Pet Friendly Artificial Grass
Technology for Dog Owners: Six Areas Worth Investigating
Like everything else in the 21st century, technology is everywhere and all those conveniences are as prevalent in the dog world as they are elsewhere.
Are you a savvy technology dog owner? Want to know what the latest and greatest tech gadgets you may want to get? Here’s an article that gives some suggestions and reasons for owning one or more of these new inventions.
Read, Technology for Dog Owners
Is Your Doggie Daycare Safe for Your Dog?
As pet owners, we are always worried about our little friends — is he healthy? happy? safe? Many of us will use a doggie daycare especially when we work to keep our dogs active and entertained while we’re away and to prevent boredom and separation anxiety.
But, is the facility safe? How do we know that our dog is getting excellent care when we can’t be there to observe. Find out in this informative article.
Read, Is Your Dog Daycare Safe?
Pet Sitters: Six Important Questions To Ask Before You Engage
If you travel and can’t take your dog along, you have several choices: Leave your dog at a boarding facility, have a friend care for your dog, or hire a pet sitter.
If this is the first time you have hired a pet sitter, you may be anxious but armed with these six questions, you can get the information you need to feel good that you are making the right decision. Before hiring your first sitter, read this article.
Read, Pet Sitters: Six Important Questions To Ask Before You Engage
Dog Walking Tips: Prepare Your Pooch for a Professional Service
A dog walking service is a big help for busy dog moms and days. They can pick your dog up in the middle of the day, take him for a walk, entertain him, or play with him, all while you’re at work.
But, is your dog ready for a professional dog walker? Here are a few tips to help you get your dog ready to enjoy the experience.
Read Dog Walking Tips: Prepare Your Pooch for a Professional Service
Dog Sitting Instructions: How to Write Great Directions
Even a professional dog sitter can forget vital information if it is not written down. Learn how to write great instructions for your sitter.
This article provides detailed instructions and a checklist to help you remember all the important details you’d like your dog sitter to know including feeding, exercising, health care, and a variety of other items that will help the sitter get to know your dog quickly and avoid any potential problems.
Read: Dog Sitting Instructions: How to Write Great Directions
Dementia Service Dogs: The Perfect Job for a Small Dog
Coping with Alzheimer’s for both patient and family can be extremely difficult and debilitating.
The progressive disease which is essentially general degeneration of the brain and its ability to form and store memories can lead to dementia and further cognitive decline that prevents someone with it from being able to execute even the simplest task. Learn how dogs can help.
Read: Dementia Service Dogs: The Perfect Job for a Small Dog
What Does Your Dog Breed Reveal About You?
You might be surprised to know that there have been studies done that suggest there are certain human personality traits that link to specific dog breeds.
The research is in its infancy, but it is fun to speculate why we are drawn to a certain breed. This study shows a similarity between the dog’s and owner’s personality traits.
In this article, we explore 15 breeds and the types of traits of their owners.
Read What Does Your Dog Breed Reveal About You?
5 Best Dog Apps for Pet Parents
We are becoming more and more dependent on our cell phone apps to help us in most areas of our lives from ordering dinner, to getting a ride, to finding our way around. But, did you know that there are some great apps that can help us care for and enjoy our dogs even more? Most are free and others have a small price tag that is well worth the money.
Best Dog Apps
How to Remove Dog Urine Damage From Your Lawn
Three things dog owners can’t avoid: death, taxes, and urine spots on the lawn. It’s true whether you have a big pooch who spends most of his time in the yard or a house pup that goes out only when nature calls. Left untreated, those wee-wee spots can take a toll on your lawn, but you can minimize the damage.
Read about Dog Urine Damage
7 Reasons Why do Millennial Moms Love Small Dogs?

They may be known as man’s best friend, but women can find a fur-ever companion in their pooches, too. Millennial moms have started to realize this as they and their families have welcomed dogs into the fold.
Many of those pup owners have opted to bring home a small dog, a happy decision for both human and canine counterparts.
Read more about why Millennial Moms Love Small Dogs
Can Rabbits and Dogs Be Best Friends? How to Facilitate a Bond between your rabbit and your dog.

The first thing you need to understand is that some dogs are predatory animals whereas rabbits are prey. Nature has taught dogs that rabbits are a potential food source for them.
However, many rabbits and dogs share homes together quite amicably. Now, whether your two pets will be able to enjoy companionship depends majorly on your dog and your willingness to encourage the bond.
Read more about Bonding Rabbits and Dogs
The Benefits and Challenges of Having Pets in the Workplace

The trend of having pets in the workplace continues to grow, and in many ways, that’s a good thing. Pets can provide many benefits, including reduced stress and encouraging workers to get up and take short breaks from their tasks so that they’re refreshed and better focused when they return to their responsibilities.
Read about Having Pets in the Workplace
Small Dogs Lifestyle: Feng Shui for Pets

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice more than 5,000 years old, has seen a resurgence — not just for humans but for pets. Feng Shui is all about creating a positive energy flow that moves energy effectively through space.
Our environment influences our health, even if we’re not aware of it. That principle applies to our pets, too. If they’re cramped, uncomfortable, distressed, too cold, or too hot, they’re miserable.
Read about Feng Shui for Pets
How To Decode Your Dog’s Personality Through Their Zodiac Sign

What is Your Dog’s Sign and what does it mean for your relationship. Here’s a rundown of the 12 Zodiacs and what it means for your dog.
How To Decode Your Dog’s Personality Through Their Zodiac Sign
How Can a Dog Promote Healthy Living?

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, the solution could be as simple as getting a dog. Many studies have found that dog owners live longer than people who don’t own dogs, and chances are that’s no coincidence.
Having a dog in your life can improve your health in many ways, and you might not even be aware of them.
Read about How a Dog Can Promote Healthy Living?
Living in a House with a Small Dog

Living with a small dog can be extremely rewarding, but there are a few things to consider when bringing a new dog into the household. This article discusses things such as puppy-proofing, safety, and creating a fun space for your dog.
Read about Living in a House with a Small Dog
Small Dog, Big City: What to Know About Raising a Dog in the City

Some people think having a dog in the city is a bad idea, believing that they’re stuck in a tiny apartment all day. But that’s not the case at all. Most city dogs spend just as much time outdoors (maybe more) as rural dogs do.
Read About Raising a Dog in the City
Help! My Dog Ate a House Lizard: Living the Small Dogs Lifestyle

You never think about these things until it happens, but is important to know what to do if the unspeakable happens. You’ve lost one pet and now you are worried about your dog. Find out what problems can arise when a dog eats a lizard and what you need to do to help your dog.
Read My Dog Ate a House Lizard
Raising a Happy Puppy While Working From Home

There is nothing quite as exciting as bringing home a brand new puppy. You are about to forge a new friendship with this adorable dog, and many adventures lie ahead.
While you are likely excited to have a good time with your new pal, working from home may give you a bit of a challenge.
Read more about how you can raise a happy puppy while working from home.
Small Dogs Lifestyle: Pin For Future Reference

About Janice (author and voice behind this site)
Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, Janice served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.
Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master’s in Mental Health Counseling.
She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu, but she has also lived with Poodles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Beagles, English Bulldogs, Carin Terriers, and a Cocker Spaniel.
When not writing, reading, and researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, husband, and family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu and Smart-Knit-Crocheting
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