Side Effects, Dosage, When To Use & More

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Dog being given oral syrup medication by human.
Image credit: Orawan Pattarawimonchai, Shutterstock

If you’re a pet parent, you might have been in a situation where you’ve returned home from the veterinary clinic and found yourself staring at a bottle of medication for your dog with no idea what it is or how to give it. After all, a visit to see your dog’s veterinarian might feel a little stressful, especially if they’re poorly, so you might not take in all of the information being told to you by the veterinary team. So, what can you do in that situation?

Firstly, you can always call your veterinary clinic to ask them any questions or voice any concerns about the medication – they’ll be happy to help you feel more confident medicating your dog. But if you recognize your dog’s medication in one of our articles, we might be able to help with some general advice. In this article, we’ll focus on Proin for dogs.

What Is Proin For Dogs?

Proin, Cystolamine, Uricon, and Propalin are all brand names of the drug phenylpropanolamine for dogs. Phenylpropanolamine is a dog incontinence medication that’s available as an oral syrup. Although this medication only has a license for the treatment of dogs, it has been used in cats off-label, based on veterinarian experience of previous use.

What Is Proin Used For In Dogs?

Proin is licensed for the treatment of a particular type of urinary incontinence in female dogs, known as urinary sphincter mechanism incompetence, or SMI. Urinary sphincter mechanism incompetence occurs when the urinary sphincter is weakened and allows urine leakage, and affected dogs may leak urine when sleeping or relaxing. As well as meaning your bed and the couch could be in the line of fire for the odd wet patch, urinary incontinence can lead to sore skin, known as urine scalding, or more urinary tract infections.

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