We Did Our First ELT-P Nose Work Trial And Loved It

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We Did Our First ELT-P Nose Work Trial And Loved ItMom and I entered our first ELT-P Nose Work Trial on the 19th. We are excited at another opportunity for us to sniff since I earned my Elite Champion Title. This new level is only for dogs who have their Elite Champion Title. It is basically Elite searching. A dog needs four hundred points for a title. There are thirty dogs and the first ten get additional points depending on their placement. You can earn as many ELT-P Titles as you want.

My GBGV Life on the pool deck.The trial was just fifteen minutes from home which was really nice for a change. We had one bad search out of the four, but the other three we were quite pleased with. My last search of the day was the “Clean Run”, a search of the shower/bathroom area for the pool at this camp. This is me after my search walking out next to the pool.

As it turns out, I placed first in this search which was five and a half minutes with an unknown number of hides. Mom and I called finished at 4:11 after finding five hides. You can watch me in action in the video. Mom is super happy because she called two high hides which she is usually to scared to do. The final hide was up above in the door frame. Our team and trust is still building giving her that confidence to call such things.

My GBGV Life We Did Our First ELT-P Nose Work Trial And Loved ItAmazingly, we placed first in this search by fifty two seconds and only four dogs found all five hides. This new level has its own ribbons which are super fancy, navy and gold. This is my first place ribbon. We are super pleased with our first experience and look forward to our next one.

My GBGV Life crashed outI worked really hard, and when I got home, I crashed hard. For me, nose work is a physical and mental workout since I like to be fast. Nothing beats being happy and worn out.

My GBGV Life is happy, so we’re joining Comedy Plus for Happy Tuesday!

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